About Me
"I am passionate about helping people transform their relationships with technology so they align with their true values. Digital devices and social media can be used as tools for good, but only if we use them intentionally".

Carly is a digital well-being coach, consultant and workshop facilitator certified by Consciously Digital (approved by ICF and National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching). She launched @mother_of_tech to help support parents with practical advice around safely navigating some of today’s biggest online challenges. Since then, she has delivered workshops to brands such as WeWork, and Getty Images and led parenting webinars with Author and TEDX speaker Dr Anastasia Dedyukhina. She is also the Digital Wellbeing expert for the BLOSS parenting platform by Binky Felstead. As a former content producer working with global brands, Carly has gained invaluable insights into how devices and digital content can shape our attitudes, preferences, and actions.